The Cultural History of Ilia

The cultural wealth of the Prefecture of Ilia and the thousands of finds discovered by the excavations that have taken place in the wider region are proof of the history of Ilia from ancient times until today. The great findings are exhibited in the Museums operating in the Prefecture, where visitors can admire all the ancient objects of historic Ilia. If you are in the Prefecture, do not miss the opportunity to visit the Museums of Ancient Olympia, Ancient Ilida, Pyrgos as well as the rest of the Museums operating in areas of the Prefecture such as the Environmental Museum of Foloi, the new National Resistance Museum of Nikos Beloyiannis in Amaliada , as well as two special Museums created by Professor Kostas Kotsanas and have as theme the Ancient Greek Technology that operates in Katakolo and the discoveries of the great ancient Archimedes Mathematics Syracuse, operating in Ancient Olympia.

Museums of Ilia Overview

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