The place with the mythical waterfalls

Ilia hides enchanting trails. In its mountainous regions, anyone who is found will been chanted by nature and wonderfull and scapes. Among the mare the waterfalls that have been created from its mythical rivers. For lovers of nature, these routes are unique, and each time someone visits them, they will feel in a new place, in a time when they are fascinating with their magic. There is no coincidence that many years ago, it is said that even today, there are fairies and elves that come out everyday and “sing” the song of nature! The rustling of the leaves, the sound of the raging waters of the rivers and the “sweet” hum of the hundreds of waterfalls formed in various places of Neda and Nemouth, will enchant you.
Enjoy the journey and keep an ever lasting memorial to this magical picture that the region generously offers.

Lighthouses of Ilia Overview

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